📨 #200: Remix, React Universe, Next.js dynamicIO, :has, Redwood, MDX, Atomic-CRM, NewArch, Fusebox, Hermes, Gesture Handler, TypedGPU, Firebase, Vite, Express, TypeScript, Rsbuild...
Hi everyone!
Cyril and Matthieu from Theodo Apps (formerly BAM) here 👋, standing in for Seb to bring you the latest news from the React and React Native worlds.
This week is all about Server Components, with new features related to them in Vite and Next.js. We also have a few articles on the topic that you might want to read. We also have a lot of Remix-related content and discussions related to the ChatGPT adoption.
On the React Native side, as planned, there were major announcements at React Universe, and React Native 0.76 is coming in a few weeks!
The React Native party is not over. Check our partner conf React Native 🇬🇧 London (14 & 15 November) and get a 10% discount with our code “TWIR”. It's the first edition, and they already have a great line-up including Charlie Cheever, Alex Hunt, Charlotte Isambert, and Cedric Van Putten.
Seb: I'll drop by quickly to celebrate the 200th edition of this newsletter 🎉. Thank you for reading us so faithfully all these years. At 43k subscribers, we're sustainable and on track to becoming a real media for developers.