📨 #182: v18.3, useDeferredValue, Next.js, DevTools, Zustand, CSS-in-JS, R19, Remix, Jest, XState, Astro, RNSC, Strict DOM, 3D, Metro, Worklets, TC39, TypeScript, Effect, Rspack, GraphQL...
Hi everyone!
This week we have a nice Next.js release and many interesting community blog posts.
We can also feel that the React core team is working hard to polish the remaining details for React 19. Unexpectedly, a v18.3 is finally planned with extra warnings. React Native 0.74 is also around the corner.
This week I'd like to introduce you to ECMAScript News. It's my favorite newsletter to keep up to date with ES, TC39, JS tooling, and runtimes.
Next week we have React Connection and React Native Connection conferences in Paris. See you there for those that attend 👋. You can still get a -20% discount with my partner code "TWIR".