📨 #121: Next.js, experimental_cache, CSS-in-JS, Qwikify, Typesafety, 3D, Vitest Preview, Outstatic, Remix, React-Native...
Hi everyone!
Last week I made a mistake, I sent out the 220 edition instead of 120 😅 No one noticed, probably not a big deal!
It's the conference season: the ViteConf replay is available, React Advanced just finished, and more to come.
The Next.js conference starts in a few hours. We'll probably get a Next.js 13 announcement, along with nested layouts, and some other super cool stuff that starts with Turbo 🤭. Let's discuss that next week.
We also have all the hosts agreeing to improve their Next.js support at the same time: Netlify, Cloudflare, Microsoft...
Don't miss William Candillon's React-Native video season 5 which starts today!
I recorded a podcast episode about Docusaurus 2.0 with PodRocket last month. Totally forgot to mention it 😅 I want to do more podcast episodes in the future, so please invite me! 😉