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Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
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· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Last week I made a mistake, I sent out the 220 edition instead of 120 😅 No one noticed, probably not a big deal!

It's the conference season: the ViteConf replay is available, React Advanced just finished, and more to come.

The Next.js conference starts in a few hours. We'll probably get a Next.js 13 announcement, along with nested layouts, and some other super cool stuff that starts with Turbo 🤭. Let's discuss that next week.

We also have all the hosts agreeing to improve their Next.js support at the same time: Netlify, Cloudflare, Microsoft...

Don't miss William Candillon's React-Native video season 5 which starts today!

I recorded a podcast episode about Docusaurus 2.0 with PodRocket last month. Totally forgot to mention it 😅 I want to do more podcast episodes in the future, so please invite me! 😉

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

The newsletter is late: a new React RFC gave me a lot of reading 😄 The article by Kent C. Dodds is quite long as well but worth it. We've got 2 articles highlighting Sandpack in 2 weeks, it's probably worth looking into!

It's moving well on the React-Native core side too, with new open discussions. We could even think that after the migration to the new architecture and the stabilization of public APIs, there could be a 1.0 release? It doesn't matter much in practice, but some apparently care deeply about having a major version.

There are also quite a few interesting new things in the frontend ecosystem. I'm particularly interested in Codeflow, Fontaine and Unplugin which may be of direct interest to Docusaurus.

Speaking of Docusaurus, I was invited to talk about it in the Changelog JS Party podcast.

· 6 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Good news: the new React beta docs will be available soon! A link on the old doc invites to visit the new beta site. Gatsby v5 released alpha.

The current trend: bringing reactivity to React.

Some nice React-Native content too. We are watching closely the progress of Expo Router, WishList and web support in Reassure.

TypeScript celebrates its 10th anniversary. A --watch mode is coming in Node.js. Interesting content about WebAssembly.

· 6 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week we have some interesting React criticisms to read.

We also have various interesting routing-related news: Next.js, React-Router, Expo...

The newsletter is finally back to its usual weekly rhythm! I'm just back from vacations, and I took the opportunity to change my email provider: I'm now using ConvertKit. This gives me more flexibility on the email rendering and will allow me to introduce some new features later ;)

· 5 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

I'm glad to inform you that my first email sent from ConvertKit has been received by most of you: my email provider migration is successful!

And I'm also very happy with the reception of my article on useSyncExternalStore! Thanks for your many feedbacks, I will try to write more soon. The idea is to have a 100% dedicated email on a specific topic, to learn something new in a short time.

Otherwise, the weekly curation newsletter is back. This is a bit of a special edition: I've put all the interesting links from the last few weeks. There are way too many and I can't comment on them this time 😅 Don't worry, we'll resume the usual format with my comments at the end of September when I get back from vacation!