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Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
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· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Another week with many interesting React community articles, notably around the TanStack.

We also have cool React Native announcements such as Nitro Modules.

✍ Don't forget to sign this important petition: Oracle, it's time to free JavaScript

Also check our partner conf 🗓 React Summit US - 🇺🇸 New-York - 19 & 22 December. The great React Summit conference is back in the US for it's second edition!

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Looks like it's the end of summer already, eh?

This week we had many great releases and articles!
I'm particularly excited about React Email, which I'd like to use for an upcoming newsletter email template, and for Rspack that I'm adopting for Docusaurus to replace webpack.

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Another calm week in the React world. No huge announcement, but many great community articles to read.

Node.js v22.6 is out with experimental TypeScript support! 🎉

Check our partner React Universe Conf (🇵🇱 Wrocław - Sept 5-6), formerly named React Native EU. Get a 10% discount with code "TWIR". They really have a stunning speakers lineup this year!

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
Benedikt Müller
Indie Hacker

Hi everyone!

I don't know about you, but it's hot here! 🌞
Only in °C/°F, because this week has been quite cold in terms of news. 🥶
Many great articles, but no major React release or announcement.

TypeScript saved the week, with the first v5.6 beta, and first-class support coming in Node.js!

Check our partner conf React Africa (🇲🇦 Casablanca - November 29th).
Get a 10% discount with code “TWIR”.
It's the very first international React conf in Africa! Great speakers have already been announced.

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
Benedikt Müller
Indie Hacker

Hi everyone!

This week the State of React survey results are finally out, and they are full of interesting insights.

I found some great articles on abstractions in React, as well as feedback and case studies from various React and React Native companies.

Astro has released Server Islands, and it looks like a pretty simple but compelling solution to rival with Next.js Partial Prerendering, on which Vercel also published a great article. There's also the Renaissance of Meteor to look forward to, React Aria releases, and a v2 of Gluestack-UI for Universal React Native devs.

Do you like TypeScript and web dev tooling in general? Check out Squiggle Conf (🇺🇸 Boston - 03 & 04 October), offering us a 10% discount with code “TWIR”. Great speakers have already been announced!

· 13 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

The newsletter is back after a well-deserved 2-weeks break!

So we're covering three weeks of news in one issue, and there are too many links to squeeze into one e-mail, so I had to filter out the news more aggressively. Despite the holiday season, we had a lot of great community React articles, and quite interesting React Native news!

If you really like the exhaustive side of this newsletter, I'd encourage you to check the online version this time: it exceptionally contains extra sections with twice more links that you might still find interesting. This also gives you a hint of the value I provide: the work you don't see is all the articles that I gathered and read/skimmed over and had to filter out.

Check out our partner conf React-Brussels (🇧🇪 Brussels - 18 October), offering us a 10% discount with code “TWIR”. Some speakers have already been revealed!

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week it looks like we are finally entering the summer/holiday season and the pace of major React announcements is slowing down. We will also be taking a short summer break, skip 2 issues, and be back on July 17.

On the React side, we continue to have interesting content related to the Suspense drama from last week. A new React Router feature permits you to code split your route tree.

On the React Native side, it looks like the team is trying to release v0.75 as RC, and encountering some roadblocks, but it’ll probably be out soon.

The most exciting news to me is the TypeScript 5.5 stable release: it’s a great one, notably for predicate type inference! The State of JS survey results are also out if you want to explore JS trends.

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
Benedikt Müller
Indie Hacker

Hi everyone!

I (Seb) am back, and happy to share that the newsletter crossed 40 000 subscribers! 🎉

Thanks for your support and for sharing the newsletter with your friends.
Any idea to make it even better, share feedback, or submit a link? Just reply to this email!

This week the React 19 stable release that we expected very soon is delayed a bit due to a controversial change in how Suspense behaves.

On the React Native side, the first RC of 0.75 is expected very soon, running under React 19.

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
Benedikt Müller
Indie Hacker

Hi everyone!

Last week we got great announcements from Vercel Ship and App.js conferences.

I also found the community blog posts very interesting this week! There's a lot of good content to read here. The one about memory leak is quite scary 😅.

I have been wondering lately: is it still useful to write a Twitter thread? I've asked the question on Twitter and feel like nobody reads it anymore, apart a few people. I'm considering stopping. What do you think? 🤔

· 11 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer
Benedikt Müller
Indie Hacker

Hi everyone!

This has been a busy week for us 😄. That React conf didn't disappoint! We weren't there, but our flyer was 😇. We not only had great conf announcements (notably the compiler!), but we had great community articles that I had to postpone a few of them to next week.

Although it's unlikely to calm down because 2 major confs start tomorrow:

  • Vercel Ship, during which Next.js 15 should be announced with a less aggressive caching strategy, Turborepo in dev, Compiler support and more.
  • App.js Conf, also with great React Native announcements expected.

Have a good read and see you next week!