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· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week, the debate around the signal model continues. We also have a nice release of Next.js, unveiling a new cache system to facilitate the performant usage of Server Components on a serverless Edge runtime.

A lot of activity also on the React-Native side, with Expo 48, Expo Router 1.0, Expo Image 1.0, Reanimated 3.0, and the arrival of symlinks support in Metro!

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

After a little break, we catch up with 2 weeks of news: a packed edition!

This Week In React just celebrated its 3rd birthday! I made a little thread to explain where I am, including links to my "build in public" pages. TLDR: the newsletter is finally viable, with more than 17500 subscribers, growing fast, and 27k€ turnover in 2022. Thanks you for supporting me over the years and making all this possible!

The Call for Paper for the React-Native-Connection conference (June 1st in Paris) is open. Don't hesitate to participate. Travel and 2 nights of hotel are taken care of for the speakers. I am part of the program committee.

I'm going to change the way I do the Twitter thread for various reasons. In particular, I find that the formality of the thread makes me less authentic and does not spark any interesting discussions. I also feel that the Twitter algorithm is becoming less and less fond of external links and is penalizing me. I will continue to be active on Twitter to share React news with you, but in another form.

· 7 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Gatsby has just been acquired by Netlify 🤯!

There is also a very interesting RFC to read if you are passionate about cross-platform in React-Native.

Otherwise, it's a pretty quiet week. That's good timing, because I don't have much time 😄. I'm finishing up some preparations for next week's email which will be a bit different.

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This year, I would like to make the newsletter a little more digestible. Do you have any suggestions for me? Do you think I put too many links and some can be deleted? Or do you like the exhaustive side? My goal is to make this newsletter less time consuming to write so that I can offer you more interesting content, like original articles. I'll explain it all to you soon.

If you are into Docusaurus, I was recently invited to the Semaphore podcast to talk about it.

Check out CSS Animation Weekly, a great resource for creative CSS developers looking for cool inspiration.

· 7 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week we have some nice releases with Astro 2.0 and Remix 1.11. Also some interesting content around Server Components.

React-Native is not left out with Expo Router in release candidate, Expo Image in beta, and a new solution to create Android widgets.

I was invited to the show Learn With Jason - Create and deploy a documentation website in which Jason makes his first steps on Docusaurus.

Discover the News newsletter, a good source of information to keep up to date on the evolution of the JavaScript language, the TC39 committee and JS tooling like ESLint, Babel, Bun, Prettier...

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

We're gradually coming out of the holiday season. There are quite a few blog posts; but no major announcements apart from React-Native 0.71.

I'm back from a ski vacation and back on the weekly newsletter schedule. I didn't follow everything but I think the Twitter drama of the week was about Tailwind? 😅

Only 2 days left to take the State of React-Native survey 🙏

For creative web devs interested in React-Three-Fiber, subscribe to the Web Game Dev newsletter: you will find more info than here.

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone and happy new year 2023 🍾🥂🥳️

In this holiday season, there was still quite a bit of activity with a Next.js release and some great React articles. And the React-Native ecosystem has been particularly active as well, with Tamagui, TypeScript support and 2 Shopify articles.

You are now over 15000 subscribers reading me every week 😍

Thanks for your loyalty and contribution to the growth of this project. I'll be doing a 2022 retrospective soon to reveal everything. In the meantime, you'll find lots of info on my Indie Hackers page.

The newsletter is back early: I postponed my ski week, because there is not much snow 😅 Next edition on January 17th.

Oh, and I finally managed to create a viral meme 🥲

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week is pretty busy for an end of the year 🤪 I'll let you discover it all.

My episode for the React Round Up podcast is online. It's about the latest React 18 features, MDX or even Docusaurus.

👋 Last edition of the year. The newsletter will be back on January 10th!

🎄 Happy holidays 🎅

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

We have some nice articles this week. I liked to discover how React-Query is implemented, or the latest Storybook news.

Nextra v2 is a serious challenger for Docusaurus!

A nice React documentary is being created, and the trailer is available 🙌

It's also quite active on React-Native side! There are some great releases, a State of React-Native survey in the works.

For this edition, I put the images below the title/text, don't hesitate to tell me if it's better like that or if you prefer above?