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· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

As you might expect with Thanksgiving, it's a rather quiet week in terms of React news.

It's the end of Black Friday, but some offers are still valid.

If your company is recruiting, I also offer a discount of -50% on job offer ads. Don't hesitate to talk to your HR or your manager, it helps me a lot!

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week is Black Friday. I created a page with the best deals for a React dev. I already found some of them, but some are not announced yet, so come back on Friday ;)

Black Friday 2022 Banner

I finally have the opportunity to put tRPC in the spotlight, with official releases and a great article comparing it to GraphQL!

We also have some great Remix-related content in general.

I like the direction React-Native takes!

Don't forget to fill out the State Of JS survey! Glad Docusaurus made it this year. Feel free to suggest the newsletter for the resources 😏 with some luck it will be featured next year 🙌

· 7 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

After a few intense weeks, the React ecosystem slows down a bit in terms of major announcements.

We still have some very good articles coming out. The TypeScript plugin for Next.js looks awesome!

The GitHub Universe conference has ended. GitHub seems to be using React more and more, on some views, and also via GitHub Blocks based on MDX.

· 10 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

It was Jamstack Conf this week, and we had some nice announcements for the occasion, like Tanstack Router, Gatsby 5 or the results of their annual survey.

Expo released its superb SDK 47. The 1st release-candidate React-Native 0.71 leads to some Android build issues 😅.

Next.js and React-Native now both use TypeScript by default on new apps.

Last chance to buy the Three.js Journey course with the promo code TWIR (-30%, expires tomorrow). It has just been upgraded with 24 hours of React-Three-Fiber modules. I take this opportunity to highlight Maxime Heckel's blog who took the course last year and is now able to do some pretty cool 3D! He has just published an impressive article on particles.

· 11 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

What a great week full of twists and turns!

  • Next.js 13 gives us access to the latest React innovations
  • Turbopack could succeed Webpack
  • Shopify acquires Remix
  • Gatsby will release its v5 and make its data-layer agnostic
  • Expo's SDK 47 is really promising

Also, don't miss the big update to the Three.js Journey course with React-Three-Fiber modules. I got promo code "TWIR" for the launch. This will be the first course to be featured on a future "deals" page I'll create later.

I'm testing a new format! This took much more time than usual 😅. I would really appreciate a retweet, testimonial or referral to a friend if you want to support me doing this again 🙏 The bigger the newsletter, the more opportunity I have to improve it.

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Last week I made a mistake, I sent out the 220 edition instead of 120 😅 No one noticed, probably not a big deal!

It's the conference season: the ViteConf replay is available, React Advanced just finished, and more to come.

The Next.js conference starts in a few hours. We'll probably get a Next.js 13 announcement, along with nested layouts, and some other super cool stuff that starts with Turbo 🤭. Let's discuss that next week.

We also have all the hosts agreeing to improve their Next.js support at the same time: Netlify, Cloudflare, Microsoft...

Don't miss William Candillon's React-Native video season 5 which starts today!

I recorded a podcast episode about Docusaurus 2.0 with PodRocket last month. Totally forgot to mention it 😅 I want to do more podcast episodes in the future, so please invite me! 😉

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

The newsletter is late: a new React RFC gave me a lot of reading 😄 The article by Kent C. Dodds is quite long as well but worth it. We've got 2 articles highlighting Sandpack in 2 weeks, it's probably worth looking into!

It's moving well on the React-Native core side too, with new open discussions. We could even think that after the migration to the new architecture and the stabilization of public APIs, there could be a 1.0 release? It doesn't matter much in practice, but some apparently care deeply about having a major version.

There are also quite a few interesting new things in the frontend ecosystem. I'm particularly interested in Codeflow, Fontaine and Unplugin which may be of direct interest to Docusaurus.

Speaking of Docusaurus, I was invited to talk about it in the Changelog JS Party podcast.

· 6 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Good news: the new React beta docs will be available soon! A link on the old doc invites to visit the new beta site. Gatsby v5 released alpha.

The current trend: bringing reactivity to React.

Some nice React-Native content too. We are watching closely the progress of Expo Router, WishList and web support in Reassure.

TypeScript celebrates its 10th anniversary. A --watch mode is coming in Node.js. Interesting content about WebAssembly.

· 6 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week we have some interesting React criticisms to read.

We also have various interesting routing-related news: Next.js, React-Router, Expo...

The newsletter is finally back to its usual weekly rhythm! I'm just back from vacations, and I took the opportunity to change my email provider: I'm now using ConvertKit. This gives me more flexibility on the email rendering and will allow me to introduce some new features later ;)