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· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

Here we are with 2 weeks of React news. There are quite a few good React articles, and also some very interesting React-Native announcements related to the conferences that took place recently. Between Remix Conf, App.js, Chain React... it's hard to keep up with everything, not to mention React-Native-Connection and React Summit next week!

Data fetching libraries like React-Query and Apollo are wondering about their integration with Server Components and Next.js App Router. We start to see more clearly.

The newsletter is skipping another week: next issue on June 7th 👋

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

As expected a new version of Next.js is out. Some React innovations that are better documented in the Next.js doc than in the React one, like form action, or the 2 new hooks useFormStatus and useOptimistic.

There are a lot of conferences at the moment. Remix Conf and App.js starting today: there will surely be some nice announcements.

The React-Native-Connection (Paris, June 1st) is also a few weeks away, and you can have -20% discount with the code "REACTHEBDO"!

I plan to skip next week's edition. Next issue on May 24th 👋

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week is "launch week" for Vercel which should make some nice announcements about React, Next.js and its cloud offer. We already have a small preview of what is coming very soon in Next.js!

There are quite a few great articles to read this week, including some interactive ones. I particularly liked to learn more about Million.js and its concept of "block virtual DOM".

On the React-Native side, the macOS platform is catching up with the release of v0.71, and Expo makes it easier than ever to use local native modules.

There are a lot of React conferences in the next weeks, we should have great announcements! By the way, you might see a flyer for my newsletter at one of them! I'm counting on you to convince your colleagues to sign up for the newsletter.

Speaking of conferences, React Summit (Amsterdam June 2-6) is the biggest React conference in the world. They offer us a 5% discount (code "ThisWeekInReact5").

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

We have a lot of great React articles this week, but also some nice releases. I liked the breakdown of the animations on the new Next.js website, and the discovery of the new Panda CSS library.

We feel that React is becoming more and more a framework with the Server Components. A new experimental hook useFormStatus is coming 👀.

Callstack offers us a nice resource on Super Apps in React-Native.

There was a big wave of layoffs at Meta 😓.

FYI this newsletter has a Discord chat. It used to be French-only, but I reorganized it to welcome all of you now, so please join us and let's have a chat!

· 7 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

This week, TypeScript 5.1 is released in beta with many improvements related to JSX and React!

React-Query plans to remove query callbacks in version 5, and this idea does not please everyone.

For React-Native developers, don't miss React-Native-Connection on June 1st in Paris! I participated to the talks selection committee, and we just published the complete line-up with international and local speakers. 10% discount with the code "REACTHEBDO".

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

We just passed a milestone: you are now over 20,000 subscribers! 🥳️

Thanks to all of you for giving me your attention every week and for helping me grow this project! If you want to give me a hand: word-of-mouth works well. I'm setting up a referral program that will soon allow me to know my best ambassadors, and to thank or reward them.

Having a critical mass of readers is important: it allows to find sponsors and compensate for the fact that I spend 50% of my time on it. After 3 years of effort, I've finally reached sustainability: it will give me the freedom to test new ideas without taking too many risks.

Otherwise, this week is marked by the release of Next.js 13.3 and Storybook 7.0. React Visualized is a very nice resource for beginners. I discovered Modern.js. Some good articles about React, Remix and Chakra UI. Calm on React-Native side.

For React-Native developers, don't miss the App.js conference in Krakow on May 10-12. It was a very good experience for me last year 👌. They offer us -20% on workshops.

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

I'm just back from vacations: we catch up with 2 weeks of news!

A new React Labs post now presents React Forget as a reactivity compiler.

Server Components never cease to surprise. Many related innovations are not yet highlighted outside a few tweets.

For React-Native developers, Chain React is a great conf in the USA (Portland, May 18-19). They offer us a 10% discount with code thisweekinreact.

· 8 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

The new React site is finally out, and it's safe to say that it kicks ass 🤗 I've put up quite a few related links, and will let you make up your own mind!

There are also some really cool articles. I like the interactive map of React APIs, Remix's approach to breaking changes for v2, or the use of React-Server-Components for translations.

On the React-Native side, the first RC of v0.72 is out. Some long-awaited new features of Metro 0.76 should be available soon, like symlinks support!

· 9 min read
Sébastien Lorber
Newsletter Editor - Docusaurus maintainer

Hi everyone!

While everyone is playing with GPT-4, I'm still reading the React articles for you!

A new lazy feature in React-Router looks very useful to avoid waterfalls.

The Rspack bundler in Rust has just been announced.

I'd like to create a referral program for this newsletter. The idea is to encourage you to share it with your friends and reward you if new subscribers join us. Do you have any idea what I can offer?

I thought of:

  • +1 subscriber - access to my top 10 React articles ever
  • +3 subscribers - access to a well-presented DB of good articles, sorted with tags and rating
  • +5 subscribers - a public thank you on Twitter or LinkedIn
  • +10 subscribers - your job offer in the newsletter
  • +30 subscribers - a course of your choice from Just JavaScript (Dan Abramov), Three.js Journey (Bruno Simon)...
  • +50 subscribers - a one-hour React consulting session

It's not easy to choose what to offer 😅. It's easier to manage digital products to get started, but I'm not closed to some physical products (stickers, socks, sneakers, backpack, mug,...).

Can you reply to this email directly to give me your opinion, and tell me what would motivate you the most?